
Posts by this author:

How to Make Sourdough Starter From Scratch

Last month I wrote an article on how to create my delicious sourdough bread. Several of you reached out to me and asked where you could get a sourdough starter. You really have two options: Get it from someone you…


A Father’s Perspective – Getting Pregnant in Our Forties & IVF

It can be a very frustrating thing for us humans – reproduction. We spend our youth trying not to get pregnant so that we can establish careers, get a house and find the ideal person to have children with. Then…


DIY LED Landscape Lighting for Your Steps

For a little over a year, I have had these cheap solar lights that mount on the stairs, walls, whatever. In theory (and for the first few months), they worked great. But after one winter they have oxidized so badly…


My Delicious Sourdough Bread

I’ve had some requests for my sourdough recipe. Here is the recipe and if you form the loaf into a long roll and bake on a cookie sheet… it makes a great baguette too! (See photo below). When it comes…


Rockin’ those steps (at an affordable price)

One thing you’re going to see over the next few months are the many house projects we’ve been able to take on and finish during COVID-19. Probably two of the few blessings of the pandemic, more time at home to…


Look out baby, here comes Dadda!

My name is Jason and I live in the small seaside town of Swampscott, Massachusetts. I’ve been a dad now for fifteen years. So, I’m a little late jumping into writing a blog about fatherhood, but I figured better late…


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