The Feeding of Maya – A Cluster (f***) Feeding Experience

The Feeding of Maya – A Cluster (f***) Feeding Experience

My amazingly incredible daughter was born a month ago. (Not) coincidently, that's about the time my wife's last full night of sleep occurred as well.
Intimate Moments and Partners Feeling The Baby Move

Intimate Moments and Partners Feeling The Baby Move

In my opinion, creating a new person is a truly magical and awe-inspiring process. Yes, it's also painful, aggravating, and at times, very overwhelming. We are now down to just a couple weeks left before our daughter is born, and I am filled with mixed emotions from excitement, nervousness, and eagerness, and there is also the occasional irritation.
A Pregnancy Baby Journal – Not Just a Mom Thing

A Pregnancy Baby Journal – Not Just a Mom Thing

Pregnancy journals are nothing new. It's been recommended for decades. It helps you mentally and emotionally to connect with your child-to-be. As a father who will not have a life growing inside them, this is very important in my opinion.
A Father’s Perspective – Getting Pregnant in Our Forties & IVF

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