The Power of Presence: Treasuring the Small Moments as a Dad
Passing Down a Love for Animals: A Family Journey
Rediscovering Niagara Falls: A Journey Through Time and Borders
Traveling Internationally with an Infant – Not as Hard as You Might Think
The Positive Truth About Parenting
The Feeding of Maya – A Cluster (f***) Feeding Experience

The Feeding of Maya – A Cluster (f***) Feeding Experience

My amazingly incredible daughter was born a month ago. (Not) coincidently, that's about the time my wife's last full night of sleep occurred as well.
Missing Child – A Parent’s Worst Nightmare
Intimate Moments and Partners Feeling The Baby Move

Intimate Moments and Partners Feeling The Baby Move

In my opinion, creating a new person is a truly magical and awe-inspiring process. Yes, it's also painful, aggravating, and at times, very overwhelming. We are now down to just a couple weeks left before our daughter is born, and I am filled with mixed emotions from excitement, nervousness, and eagerness, and there is also the occasional irritation.
A Pregnancy Baby Journal – Not Just a Mom Thing

A Pregnancy Baby Journal – Not Just a Mom Thing

Pregnancy journals are nothing new. It's been recommended for decades. It helps you mentally and emotionally to connect with your child-to-be. As a father who will not have a life growing inside them, this is very important in my opinion.

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